Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Ready (88/366)

Saturday March 31, 2012

I'm ready.

I don't know what has taken me so long.  The list of excuses is a mile long.

But I am SOOO ready.

One thing that's hard for some women to talk about (myself included) is our WEIGHT.

I've shared in the past just how much weight I gained, lost, and then gained again throughout both of my pregnancies.  I don't blame the fact that I was pregnant.  I blame the fact that I used my pregnant condition to eat everything in sight.

For 10 months.

Both times.

Before I had kids, I never needed to work out, or watch what I ate.  I was a comfortable 125 before I got married.

After I got married, I gained the Freshman 10... Most people gain the Freshman 15 in their first year of college.  I gained mine the first year of marriage - at the ripe old age of 21.

But I was still very comfortable.

So, 7 years has passed since I was first pregnant, and I have never gone back to that weight.

But the point of this post is to say that I am ready. 

We aren't having any more kids.  There's no more excuses or reasons for me to NOT lose these last few (or more) pounds.

Last year at this time, I lost 30 pounds all on my own through working out, eating better and ZUMBA - I love Zumba!  Who doesn't have 1 hour to kill 1,000 calories or more?  It's so much fun!!

I kept those pounds off, and have lost another 10-ish in the year since. 

Starting next Monday, I am back to the treadmill, Zumba, and just having an overall active life.

It won't hurt that we are getting our new puppy in 2 weeks!!

So, wish me luck, and keep the encouragement coming.  I'm in the home stretch, and I'm hoping this year will be the best year yet - and every year after this will be a little easier.

Today, I'm thankful for a renewed sense of motivation, and for the motivation I will receive from others when I feel I have none.

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