Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Toothless Wonder (95/366)

Well, not really yet.  But Hannah did finally lose the other bottom tooth...

And like the other one, she was at her Bumpa & Gwi Gwi's ~

I missed it.


I got a text message at 2:00 on Saturday afternoon with Hannah's picture.  The text read, "Hey Mama, it's Hannah.  Notice anything missing?"

I was immediately bummed and excited for her - all at the same time.

I guess she was just wiggling, playing with it and it just popped out.

So from now on, when my kids have loose teeth, they're going to Bumpa & Gwi Gwi's.  By the end of the weekend, those teeth will be out for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Everytime my rent-a-mom was here someone would lose at least one tooth.. I quit going away! It was like clock work.. I would leave and within minutes I would get that saddening text also. :(


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