Today I made a pact with a friend. Most of it was over Facebook, just commenting back & forth.
The other part, the real part, was in a phone call with her later this evening.
Last year, I had a goal to lose 25 pounds by my 30th birthday. I started in January, and by April 9th, I had lost 30 pounds! Throughout the rest of the year, I lost another 5-7 (it fluctuates), and kept off the 30 pounds I had lost earlier.
Of course, this is all baby weight. And we can talk baby weight all we want, but let's be real. When I say baby weight, I mean, for both of my pregnancies, I ate what I wanted, didn't exercise, and I had two girls, so the sugar cravings were GINORMOUS!!
I totally did it to myself. I'm being very honest here when I tell you that I gained 65 pounds with my first pregnancy. Of which, I lost 20 lbs in the two years in-between pregnancies. With my second, I gained another 60 pounds. And I thought I was doing great! By the 5th month of that second pregnancy, I had only gained 9 pounds! But come Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the food and the winter months, I gained A LOT in those last 4-ish months. If you do the math, that means from pre-pregnancy to just after my second was born, I was over 100 pounds heavier than ever. EVER.
I lost 35 of those pounds pretty much right away after having my second baby.
And that's where it stopped. My baby is almost 3 years old. I have allowed life to take over me!
Last year, I said enough was enough. I worked out every day of the week but one. I was burning over 1,000 calories each day. And it worked! So, I'm down 70-ish pounds and have 30 more to go. Wow! I just read that back and I've never actually thought about how much weight that is!!
But when April came last year, I had my 30th birthday and right after that... SUMMER!
Who wants to work out in the summer?? Not this girl!
I know how to lost weight. Calories in vs. Calories out. It will be that same way until the end of time.
So, getting on with it, today I made a pact. I posted on Facebook, "Someone please give me a start date and hold me accountable!! Ahhhhh!"
Well, someone took me up on that and now I have to follow through with it! I meant what I said, I just have ZERO motivation. Zero.
So when my friend called me tonight just to vent about how she thinks she looks (she is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L) and areas that she wants to work on and reasons why she needs a buddy... I knew I was hooked.
I am very grateful for the phone call, the shout out on Facebook and the encouraging words that she shares with me every time we meet.
I am looking forward to getting my life back. It's more than just a few vanity (baby) pounds, it's a state of mind. It's overcoming so many things by feeling good about myself. It's choosing good habits and making good choices - and having a great time doing it!
So, thank you, Friend for the call.
We're gonna do it together.
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