Thursday, January 12, 2012

We're Having Another Baby?! (8/365)

Isn't that AWESOME?!!!

I'm totally kidding! We are NOT having another baby! And Mom, if you're reading this, I certainly wouldn't tell you through my blog.  Sheesh!

But I do know a TON of people that are having a baby.

Lately I've been thinking, "What if we did have anoth..." NOPE. NOPE!  I can't even seem to finish the thought!

I can say this... The people that I know that ARE having babies are either already great mothers, or will be terrific first time mothers!  I would like to celebrate all of you.

I'm finally in a place in my life where I can enjoy other babies.  This may sound weird or harsh, but I couldn't for a long time. Having my own babies distracted me from being able to get to know or enjoy anyone else's.  But now that my kids are growing up, they're a little more self-sufficient.  I have found lately that I am engaging so much more with other kids, getting much more involved. More so like my girlfriends do with my kids.  I've always envied that.

I can't wait to enjoy all of your babies this time around!  I'm truly very excited!

I posted something today on Facebook that I learned last night, and it shocked me...

"Each day, about the same number of babies are killed by abortion as people were killed on 9/11."

I am SO thankful for life - and for the women who choose to give it!  THANK YOU!  I don't judge those who have or will abort, because that's not my place to do so. But my choice is life!

I can't wait to meet all of the new little lives that will be in the year 2012!

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