Tuesday January 31, 2012
I have always been a musical person. I've always loved to sing. When I was little, I used to sing in church on Sundays for special music. I took voice lessons for a minute, but I could never overcome my shyness and let it all out! I especially liked duets because I could "hide" behind my partner if I needed to.
Music has always been a HUGE part of my life.
When I was a super little girl, I loved the Silly Songs album - I think it came with a coloring book too. I would listen to it on my Walkman in the car, but sometimes I'd make everyone else listen to it too. Over. And over. And over.
As I got older, I picked music to match my mood. Or sometimes my mood would change with the music I was listening to.
Music brings friends together - parties, car rides, beach days.
Music brings lovers together - wedding songs, first dance, summer romance. On my first date with my husband (blind date, might I add), he sang karaoke - and I was hooked!
Music can empower me to overcome hard times. It can explain a difficult situation better than my own emotions can.
It also puts me in the mood to clean on certain days. Ha!
I have a "go-to" song that I can always depend on to put me in a great mood, no matter what's going on!
Picture yourself in your car, windows down, bright sun shining through... what do we do? CRANK THE RADIO!! It's like every song that comes on was meant to describe that gorgeous day!
I have seen that my daughters are taking after me in my love for music. They are both taking dance lessons, they have rhythm, and they pick up lyrics after hearing a song only one time!
Music can reach people when nothing else can. It reaches me. I love to crank my iPod and run my tooshie off on the treadmill. I love a good live band on the weekend.
Today, with the sun shining and the snow melting, I decided to have a music day. And it has completely changed my outlook of the day.
Music makes the world go 'round. It can turn a bad day around, and make a good day great.
What's your song today?
Finding the blessings in life, despite my state of mind. They're always there, you just have to choose to see them!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Gotta Love 3! (26/366)
Monday January 30, 2012
I've heard that 3 is worse than 2 - as in, Terrible Twos.
Ava is 4 weeks away from turning 3, and already I can't wait until 4.
I don't mean that in the sense that I don't love my daughter, or (most) every moment we're together. I mean that in the sense that I ask, "WHEN WILL THE WHINING END?" Or at least, will I get a small break between say, 3 and 14?
I'm sure I will get the usual, "Time flies so fast, enjoy this age!" or, "Oh, just wait until she's a teenager!"
She's not a naughty kid - AT. ALL.
But we didn't get this with Hannah at all. We've always joked that we got the worst of Hannah in her first 4-5 months of life. She's been pretty perfect since.
Ava was a normal baby (by normal I mean no debilitating colic), and a totally normal toddler. We've had the potty problems, the phases, the two's and now we're approaching the 3's.
And I'm nervous!
BUT... I'm thankful for both of my beautiful daughters, and all of the memorable moments we have on a daily basis.
And thankful for a glass (or two) of wine after the day is done!
I've heard that 3 is worse than 2 - as in, Terrible Twos.
Ava is 4 weeks away from turning 3, and already I can't wait until 4.
I don't mean that in the sense that I don't love my daughter, or (most) every moment we're together. I mean that in the sense that I ask, "WHEN WILL THE WHINING END?" Or at least, will I get a small break between say, 3 and 14?
I'm sure I will get the usual, "Time flies so fast, enjoy this age!" or, "Oh, just wait until she's a teenager!"
She's not a naughty kid - AT. ALL.
But we didn't get this with Hannah at all. We've always joked that we got the worst of Hannah in her first 4-5 months of life. She's been pretty perfect since.
Ava was a normal baby (by normal I mean no debilitating colic), and a totally normal toddler. We've had the potty problems, the phases, the two's and now we're approaching the 3's.
And I'm nervous!
BUT... I'm thankful for both of my beautiful daughters, and all of the memorable moments we have on a daily basis.
And thankful for a glass (or two) of wine after the day is done!
Sunday January 29, 2012
This post isn't titled... just the numbers. I realize I'm behind by a day at this point with my blogs - don't give up me.
I'm extremely exhausted, and have promised myself that I will go to bed much earlier than I have been.
I need to hit the reset button on some things right now, and this is the week to do it.
I am thankful for second chances and the motivation to get things done.
This post isn't titled... just the numbers. I realize I'm behind by a day at this point with my blogs - don't give up me.
I'm extremely exhausted, and have promised myself that I will go to bed much earlier than I have been.
I need to hit the reset button on some things right now, and this is the week to do it.
I am thankful for second chances and the motivation to get things done.
My Friend Book (24/366)
Saturday January 28, 2012
Here is Hannah's latest literary masterpiece...

I see my friend Kayla B. at the park. I played with her. But I do not see her. I think that she is behind the brown and green tree. It was fun!
I see my friend Bryanna S. at the ice cream shop. We got ice cream and it was chocolate ice cream. We like ice cream very much. It was very fun!
I see my friend Bailee. I saw her at the store. It was a surprise for me! We had fun together and we had very very fun!
I think Hannah got a little tired of trying to come up with something write on the last page - I can tell by how repetitive she was in just trying to fill the page!
This girl makes my heart tick. She is so sweet and so brilliant - I just can't say enough about her.
Super proud Mom moment.
Here is Hannah's latest literary masterpiece...
I see my friend Kayla B. at the park. I played with her. But I do not see her. I think that she is behind the brown and green tree. It was fun!
I see my friend Bryanna S. at the ice cream shop. We got ice cream and it was chocolate ice cream. We like ice cream very much. It was very fun!
I see my friend Bailee. I saw her at the store. It was a surprise for me! We had fun together and we had very very fun!
I think Hannah got a little tired of trying to come up with something write on the last page - I can tell by how repetitive she was in just trying to fill the page!
This girl makes my heart tick. She is so sweet and so brilliant - I just can't say enough about her.
Super proud Mom moment.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Which One Are You? (23/366)
Friday January 27, 2012
I have some friends. Different kinds of friends, but a lot of people I would call friends.
I have friends that don't live in the same state as me, I have friends that I see only once or twice a year. I have very close friends, and I have friends that are more acquaintances, but friends nonetheless. I have friends I play sports with, and friends I work out with. Friends I blog with, and friends I wish would read my blog (he he).
To me, calling someone a friend doesn't mean you talk every day. It doesn't mean you see each other on a regular basis. It doesn't mean you tell everyone your deepest darkest secrets.
We know who we can trust with our secrets. We know who we can call in the middle of the night. We know who will take us out for drinks when life sucks, and when life is really good and we need to celebrate. We know who will drive us to the emergency room and sit with us for hours. We know who to call when the kids want to get together. And we know who we can call for the hard-to-hear advice, and who to call for the easy-on-the-ears advice.
I think some friends serve a purpose, and some friendships are cyclical. Some friends are only friends for a time. Some are friends for life. Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us something, or to help us through something. And then they're gone.
That doesn't mean they're no longer our friend. That doesn't mean we have to stop speaking. The dynamics of life change so often and so quickly. Sometimes we don't get to choose how a relationship ends. We have to ask ourselves if we learned a lesson and were we able to pull up our bootstraps and move on?
There's no healthy reason to try to hang on to a friendship that has run its course. I learned a long time ago that if you feel like you owe someone something, and that's the sole purpose of staying friends, then you really aren't friends. Friends don't owe and they don't keep track of bonus points. Don't hang on to something that is unhealthy or dysfunctional because the risk of hurt is too great.
The lifers, well they're with us for life. I have a friend that I've known since I was 7 years old. We were inseparable. And then we went our own way for a while. And then we were inseparable. And then I moved away. And 9 years after the last time I saw her, we met again and picked up right where we left off. Lifer.
Another friend of mine was like a sister to me for many years. We met when I had just moved to a new town and we were both going through some very rough times with our families. Life has taken us in different directions a little bit, and a few states in between, but when we see each other, we're still like family.
I love my friends. I love the variety of the friends I have. They are so diverse and so unique.
I have a friend who is loud, fun, beautiful, awesomely obnoxious and one of the best advice givers I've ever known. Intuitive is an understatement. Did I mention she's a party animal? Her friendship has breathed new life into mine.
I have a friend who is sensitive, caring, beautiful, funny, and smart as all get out. She's an amazing mother, and a very loyal friend.
My friend that I call for advice, the hard-to-hear kind, she's irreplaceable. She's also beautiful (Geez, I have lots of beautiful friends), and a shining beacon of positive influence and inspiration.
I also have a friend who's GREAT at everything she does. Another friend who is a relentless optimist. Another who is an amazing cook. Another who is the mother of 4 boys! (That in itself is an amazing feat)!
The list goes on. I don't envy my friends for their amazing attributes - I embrace them! I enjoy them! I can't be just like everyone else - how boring would that be? But I can be who I am, and hopefully find a few people along the way who like the spices I bring to life.
I am proud to call you my friends, and I am honored that you think of me as yours.
I have some friends. Different kinds of friends, but a lot of people I would call friends.
I have friends that don't live in the same state as me, I have friends that I see only once or twice a year. I have very close friends, and I have friends that are more acquaintances, but friends nonetheless. I have friends I play sports with, and friends I work out with. Friends I blog with, and friends I wish would read my blog (he he).
To me, calling someone a friend doesn't mean you talk every day. It doesn't mean you see each other on a regular basis. It doesn't mean you tell everyone your deepest darkest secrets.
We know who we can trust with our secrets. We know who we can call in the middle of the night. We know who will take us out for drinks when life sucks, and when life is really good and we need to celebrate. We know who will drive us to the emergency room and sit with us for hours. We know who to call when the kids want to get together. And we know who we can call for the hard-to-hear advice, and who to call for the easy-on-the-ears advice.
I think some friends serve a purpose, and some friendships are cyclical. Some friends are only friends for a time. Some are friends for life. Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us something, or to help us through something. And then they're gone.
That doesn't mean they're no longer our friend. That doesn't mean we have to stop speaking. The dynamics of life change so often and so quickly. Sometimes we don't get to choose how a relationship ends. We have to ask ourselves if we learned a lesson and were we able to pull up our bootstraps and move on?
There's no healthy reason to try to hang on to a friendship that has run its course. I learned a long time ago that if you feel like you owe someone something, and that's the sole purpose of staying friends, then you really aren't friends. Friends don't owe and they don't keep track of bonus points. Don't hang on to something that is unhealthy or dysfunctional because the risk of hurt is too great.
The lifers, well they're with us for life. I have a friend that I've known since I was 7 years old. We were inseparable. And then we went our own way for a while. And then we were inseparable. And then I moved away. And 9 years after the last time I saw her, we met again and picked up right where we left off. Lifer.
Another friend of mine was like a sister to me for many years. We met when I had just moved to a new town and we were both going through some very rough times with our families. Life has taken us in different directions a little bit, and a few states in between, but when we see each other, we're still like family.
I love my friends. I love the variety of the friends I have. They are so diverse and so unique.
I have a friend who is loud, fun, beautiful, awesomely obnoxious and one of the best advice givers I've ever known. Intuitive is an understatement. Did I mention she's a party animal? Her friendship has breathed new life into mine.
I have a friend who is sensitive, caring, beautiful, funny, and smart as all get out. She's an amazing mother, and a very loyal friend.
My friend that I call for advice, the hard-to-hear kind, she's irreplaceable. She's also beautiful (Geez, I have lots of beautiful friends), and a shining beacon of positive influence and inspiration.
I also have a friend who's GREAT at everything she does. Another friend who is a relentless optimist. Another who is an amazing cook. Another who is the mother of 4 boys! (That in itself is an amazing feat)!
The list goes on. I don't envy my friends for their amazing attributes - I embrace them! I enjoy them! I can't be just like everyone else - how boring would that be? But I can be who I am, and hopefully find a few people along the way who like the spices I bring to life.
I am proud to call you my friends, and I am honored that you think of me as yours.
Never Let Me Down (22/366)
Thursday January 26, 2012
I've never had a sister - a full blood, all mine sister. I've always wanted one.
I have a step sister who was not a part of my life until a few years ago, and we are just now getting close. She just recently got married and she and I are carving time out to talk on the phone and have coffee together when we can. I look forward to having her in my life from now on.
I was blessed with 2 brothers. 2 brothers that would someday marry. My sisters.
We live kinda close to each other. Not states apart, but sometimes you'd think we were a world apart.
I can't believe how busy life gets, and how different our schedules are. Before we all had children, we were free to do as we pleased.
My oldest brother married first, and his wife and I hit it off - and that's an understatement! To top it off, my brother and my husband became "brothers" which is something my husband had never had.
My youngest brother married a couple of years ago. He spent the beginning of his adulthood in the Marine Corp. and finally found the love of his life. She and I grew very close as he was finishing the last year of his reserve duty.
We all came from different backgrounds and life experiences.
We've had kids, and there are more on the way.
We've all had hardships - some we kept private, and some we talked about together.
We've had disagreements, hurt feelings, and distance. We each have expectations of what we need in our relationship. We haven't always communicated those expectations, but somehow manage to meet them or adjust.
We've had TREMENDOUS good times. I can't say that enough.
All of that life experience has made us far apart at times.
I know that no matter what time it is, no matter what's going on, NO. MATTER. WHAT.
We will always be here for each other. I know they will never let me down. I know that I will never let them down. It sounds so cliché, but it's true.
The fact that I've never had a true-blood sister doesn't matter. I have the next best thing, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I don't always tell them, in fact, I never do, that I love them. I love the wives that they are to my brothers, I love the mothers that they are to their children.
Sometimes I struggle with life a little too much that I forget that they do too.
I look forward to the years we have left to share in the good and the bad. I look forward to watching our children grow up together. We might not see each other every week or every month, but when we do, all is well and good.
My sisters, my friends.
I've never had a sister - a full blood, all mine sister. I've always wanted one.
I have a step sister who was not a part of my life until a few years ago, and we are just now getting close. She just recently got married and she and I are carving time out to talk on the phone and have coffee together when we can. I look forward to having her in my life from now on.
I was blessed with 2 brothers. 2 brothers that would someday marry. My sisters.
We live kinda close to each other. Not states apart, but sometimes you'd think we were a world apart.
I can't believe how busy life gets, and how different our schedules are. Before we all had children, we were free to do as we pleased.
My oldest brother married first, and his wife and I hit it off - and that's an understatement! To top it off, my brother and my husband became "brothers" which is something my husband had never had.
My youngest brother married a couple of years ago. He spent the beginning of his adulthood in the Marine Corp. and finally found the love of his life. She and I grew very close as he was finishing the last year of his reserve duty.
We all came from different backgrounds and life experiences.
We've had kids, and there are more on the way.
We've all had hardships - some we kept private, and some we talked about together.
We've had disagreements, hurt feelings, and distance. We each have expectations of what we need in our relationship. We haven't always communicated those expectations, but somehow manage to meet them or adjust.
We've had TREMENDOUS good times. I can't say that enough.
All of that life experience has made us far apart at times.
I know that no matter what time it is, no matter what's going on, NO. MATTER. WHAT.
We will always be here for each other. I know they will never let me down. I know that I will never let them down. It sounds so cliché, but it's true.
The fact that I've never had a true-blood sister doesn't matter. I have the next best thing, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I don't always tell them, in fact, I never do, that I love them. I love the wives that they are to my brothers, I love the mothers that they are to their children.
Sometimes I struggle with life a little too much that I forget that they do too.
I look forward to the years we have left to share in the good and the bad. I look forward to watching our children grow up together. We might not see each other every week or every month, but when we do, all is well and good.
My sisters, my friends.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Ok, so it was brought to my attention today that I will be making one extra blog entry beyond 365...
How did I get so lucky as to pick a leap year to write one entry per day for a year? Well, my count will change in the title of each entry to x/366.
What's one more blog entry, right? One more day of therapy...
How did I get so lucky as to pick a leap year to write one entry per day for a year? Well, my count will change in the title of each entry to x/366.
What's one more blog entry, right? One more day of therapy...
Shhhh! It's a Surprise! (21/365)
Wednesday January 25, 2012
We didn't preorder our tickets, just went to the box office on the day of the show and asked for whatever tickets were left. Here's the breakdown:
Parking - $8
2 tickets - $90 (all they had left were floor seats)
Snowcone in a Tinkerbell keepsake cup - $12
Ariel Necklace - $20
Picture with Cinderella (no, not the real Cinderella, a cardboard figure) - $20
Popcorn & Lemonade - $18
Do the math.
Not cheap.
Of course, I came somewhat prepared. After all, this was sort of a birthday present. I just was NOT prepared for the total expense, and the fact that for some reason that day, I could not say no!
Nonetheless, we had a blast. And if you know me at all, you can guess that I was a blubbering idiot while watching my daughter's face light up and listening to her squeals of delight.
For the rest of the year, Hannah has been asking when Disney On Ice is coming back. I keep putting her off, hoping it will pass by and maybe we'll just have the memories from one expensive year (bad mom I know)... Not so much.
Yesterday I had a friend let me know that tickets for Disney On Ice were available for presale in our area. So, I called my husband and let him know that we could buy tickets now for the show for only $12! Of course, he said to go ahead and we verbally agreed that this would be THE birthday present this year.
I then called my girlfriend who has a daughter that's Hannah's age to see if they'd like to join us. Of course, they did! And I found out that they go every year. I asked her how she manages to keep the cost down...
Pre-Buy your tickets
Allow ONE souvenir
Eat before you go
State the rules ahead of time and learn to say NO!!
Simple! Well, I hope so for me. I just love to see my kids happy, and have a hard time saying no when it's a special occasion. I don't normally have a hard time telling them no - we set pretty good boundaries over here. But when it's a holiday or birthday... not so much. We did end up pre-buying our tickets and opted for the mid-range price since the seats are a little better.
This year I hope to have many more happy memories - with a much softer kick in the pocketbook.
I haven't told Hannah yet about the show - we actually chose the Disney Live Princess Show over Disney On Ice since we are bringing our princesses. I also decided this year to bring Ava. Both of the girls' birthdays are in March, and the show is just before then. I figured I would surprise them with the tickets, and a new dress for each of them.
Birthday... DONE. Now, to plan the party!
Last year on the day after Hannah's birthday party, she and I went to Disney On Ice: Princess Wishes. Hannah was thrilled. Little did I know that with a thrilling 2 hour show also comes a HEFTY expense!
We didn't preorder our tickets, just went to the box office on the day of the show and asked for whatever tickets were left. Here's the breakdown:
Parking - $8
2 tickets - $90 (all they had left were floor seats)
Snowcone in a Tinkerbell keepsake cup - $12
Ariel Necklace - $20
Picture with Cinderella (no, not the real Cinderella, a cardboard figure) - $20
Popcorn & Lemonade - $18
Do the math.
Not cheap.
Of course, I came somewhat prepared. After all, this was sort of a birthday present. I just was NOT prepared for the total expense, and the fact that for some reason that day, I could not say no!
Nonetheless, we had a blast. And if you know me at all, you can guess that I was a blubbering idiot while watching my daughter's face light up and listening to her squeals of delight.
For the rest of the year, Hannah has been asking when Disney On Ice is coming back. I keep putting her off, hoping it will pass by and maybe we'll just have the memories from one expensive year (bad mom I know)... Not so much.
Yesterday I had a friend let me know that tickets for Disney On Ice were available for presale in our area. So, I called my husband and let him know that we could buy tickets now for the show for only $12! Of course, he said to go ahead and we verbally agreed that this would be THE birthday present this year.
I then called my girlfriend who has a daughter that's Hannah's age to see if they'd like to join us. Of course, they did! And I found out that they go every year. I asked her how she manages to keep the cost down...
Pre-Buy your tickets
Allow ONE souvenir
Eat before you go
State the rules ahead of time and learn to say NO!!
Simple! Well, I hope so for me. I just love to see my kids happy, and have a hard time saying no when it's a special occasion. I don't normally have a hard time telling them no - we set pretty good boundaries over here. But when it's a holiday or birthday... not so much. We did end up pre-buying our tickets and opted for the mid-range price since the seats are a little better.
This year I hope to have many more happy memories - with a much softer kick in the pocketbook.
I haven't told Hannah yet about the show - we actually chose the Disney Live Princess Show over Disney On Ice since we are bringing our princesses. I also decided this year to bring Ava. Both of the girls' birthdays are in March, and the show is just before then. I figured I would surprise them with the tickets, and a new dress for each of them.
Birthday... DONE. Now, to plan the party!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A New Life, and a Birthday (20/365)
Tuesday January 24, 2012
Yesterday, my friend had a baby.
I know, I know. People have babies all the time. But this girl... could. not. wait.
She had her girl. Her heart's desire has been to have a baby girl, since forever.
Yesterday, she made her husband a daddy, her son a big brother, and her heart overflowing.
I could not be happier for her! And today, is my friend's birthday. How sweet is that?!
They named their baby Adalyne Loran. She was 7.1 lbs, 20.5 inches. Perfectly healthy.
Perfectly Beautiful.
Congratulations Greg & Amy!
Yesterday, my friend had a baby.
I know, I know. People have babies all the time. But this girl... could. not. wait.
She had her girl. Her heart's desire has been to have a baby girl, since forever.
Yesterday, she made her husband a daddy, her son a big brother, and her heart overflowing.
I could not be happier for her! And today, is my friend's birthday. How sweet is that?!
They named their baby Adalyne Loran. She was 7.1 lbs, 20.5 inches. Perfectly healthy.
Perfectly Beautiful.
Congratulations Greg & Amy!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Witness (19/365)
Monday January 23, 2012
Ahhhh, Monday.
Monday is my day to clean up after the weekend, gather my thoughts and make my to-do list for the week.
Except, today started out a little different than usual.
After getting Hannah on the bus, I had to chug some coffee and get my workout clothes on because I was having my neighbor over at 8:30 AM to workout.
Yes, 8:30 AM... That's early for me. On a Monday.
A couple of weeks ago, I made a pact with my neighbor and another girlfriend that I was going to start working out. They are going to do it with me and we are going to hold each other accountable with encouragement.
So, the day got started at high speed for me. It was great - I'm not complaining at all. It's just a new routine that I need to get adjusted to.
After the workout, my neighbor headed home and I sat down to publish my blogs from the weekend (notice I started putting the date at the top so we can tell which day the post is from. On Mondays I usually post 3 or 4 from the weekend).
Around 11:00, there was a knock at the door. I looked out the front door window and saw that it was the neighborhood Jehovah's Witness, Liz. She's been coming around for a couple of years, and I have actually taken the time to speak with her and get to know her.
Anyone I talk to says they normally don't give the visiting Jehovah's Witness the time of day, promptly slamming the door in their face. Maybe they take the literature, maybe they don't. I used to do the same thing.
But there's something about Liz that intrigues me. She is pretty, she wears nice clothes, her kids are the same ages as mine (one a little older than Hannah), she seems so - normal. I'm not knocking Jehovah's Witness by that statement, I just think sometimes before we meet someone and get to know them, we have preconceived notions about what they think or what they'll look like. And she normally doesn't come by in the winter. She normally catches me in the summer when I'm outside with the kids.
Today, I asked her to step in so she didn't have to stand outside in the cold. I hadn't seen her since July or August, so I was curious what she had to say.
She stayed for almost an hour and we talked about life, the kids, and of course, our faith. I normally shy away from religion and politics in any setting simply because the subjects are so sensitive, and everyone has their own beliefs.
I try to just respect others' beliefs and not judge. I've been on the "judgement" side before and it didn't end well. You know how it is when you feel so passionately about something, and you want others to feel as warm & tingly about it as you do? Well, I can feel all warm & tingly and just keep it to myself. That's how I roll. Right, wrong or indifferent, life is just more harmonious that way.
She wants to get together with me on a weekly basis to discuss her literature and read the Bible together. I politely declined stating a very busy schedule, but let her know that I appreciate her impromptu sporatic visits, and welcomed her to continue.
I'm not saying that I'm open to talking about religion or politics in a social setting - I wouldn't dare go that far. But I think on a smaller, more personal level, it's quite enriching. In this case, a woman with a different "religion" coming to me and wanting to not only share her beliefs, but wanting me to share mine as well.
I'm thankful for differences, faith, hope, love and DIVERSITY. I think it can never hurt to know others' beliefs. There is something we can learn from all kinds of different people. Whether it be religion, upbringing, life experience - being open-minded and loving can really make a difference to others, and we might be surprised how much of a difference it makes in our own life.
Or maybe, how much we really all have in common.
Ahhhh, Monday.
Monday is my day to clean up after the weekend, gather my thoughts and make my to-do list for the week.
Except, today started out a little different than usual.
After getting Hannah on the bus, I had to chug some coffee and get my workout clothes on because I was having my neighbor over at 8:30 AM to workout.
Yes, 8:30 AM... That's early for me. On a Monday.
A couple of weeks ago, I made a pact with my neighbor and another girlfriend that I was going to start working out. They are going to do it with me and we are going to hold each other accountable with encouragement.
So, the day got started at high speed for me. It was great - I'm not complaining at all. It's just a new routine that I need to get adjusted to.
After the workout, my neighbor headed home and I sat down to publish my blogs from the weekend (notice I started putting the date at the top so we can tell which day the post is from. On Mondays I usually post 3 or 4 from the weekend).
Around 11:00, there was a knock at the door. I looked out the front door window and saw that it was the neighborhood Jehovah's Witness, Liz. She's been coming around for a couple of years, and I have actually taken the time to speak with her and get to know her.
Anyone I talk to says they normally don't give the visiting Jehovah's Witness the time of day, promptly slamming the door in their face. Maybe they take the literature, maybe they don't. I used to do the same thing.
But there's something about Liz that intrigues me. She is pretty, she wears nice clothes, her kids are the same ages as mine (one a little older than Hannah), she seems so - normal. I'm not knocking Jehovah's Witness by that statement, I just think sometimes before we meet someone and get to know them, we have preconceived notions about what they think or what they'll look like. And she normally doesn't come by in the winter. She normally catches me in the summer when I'm outside with the kids.
Today, I asked her to step in so she didn't have to stand outside in the cold. I hadn't seen her since July or August, so I was curious what she had to say.
She stayed for almost an hour and we talked about life, the kids, and of course, our faith. I normally shy away from religion and politics in any setting simply because the subjects are so sensitive, and everyone has their own beliefs.
I try to just respect others' beliefs and not judge. I've been on the "judgement" side before and it didn't end well. You know how it is when you feel so passionately about something, and you want others to feel as warm & tingly about it as you do? Well, I can feel all warm & tingly and just keep it to myself. That's how I roll. Right, wrong or indifferent, life is just more harmonious that way.
She wants to get together with me on a weekly basis to discuss her literature and read the Bible together. I politely declined stating a very busy schedule, but let her know that I appreciate her impromptu sporatic visits, and welcomed her to continue.
I'm not saying that I'm open to talking about religion or politics in a social setting - I wouldn't dare go that far. But I think on a smaller, more personal level, it's quite enriching. In this case, a woman with a different "religion" coming to me and wanting to not only share her beliefs, but wanting me to share mine as well.
I'm thankful for differences, faith, hope, love and DIVERSITY. I think it can never hurt to know others' beliefs. There is something we can learn from all kinds of different people. Whether it be religion, upbringing, life experience - being open-minded and loving can really make a difference to others, and we might be surprised how much of a difference it makes in our own life.
Or maybe, how much we really all have in common.
It's Like Riding a Bike (18/365)
Sunday January 22, 2012
After the fun we had yesterday, we all went to bed around 9:00. That's early. For us.
Today we woke up, cleaned the house after all the wet boots, hats, coats and kids that were in & out all day yesterday, and prepared to watch some NFL Playoff Football.
We went to my in-law's house on a lake for dinner and football.
My in-laws had cleared a spot on the lake in front of their house for ice skating. It was pristine.
Complete with hockey sticks & pucks, we went outside for a little ice skating after dinner. Little did I know, it's NOTHING like riding a bike!
It has been at least 20 years since I put on a pair of ice skates. Apparently, it's a lot easier to learn this skill as a child, than to re-learn it as an adult.
Nonetheless, we had a blast! Our toes froze and we went inside after dark for some hot chocolate... and football of course!
Ava getting ready to hit the ice for the first time...
Hannah and Daddy - learning the ropes
Ava and Daddy... before she was totally confident
Ava with no training wheels!
The hockey game that commenced...
Incredibly thankful today for family, good food, outdoor air and of course, the squeels of delight from the babies!
After the fun we had yesterday, we all went to bed around 9:00. That's early. For us.
Today we woke up, cleaned the house after all the wet boots, hats, coats and kids that were in & out all day yesterday, and prepared to watch some NFL Playoff Football.
We went to my in-law's house on a lake for dinner and football.
My in-laws had cleared a spot on the lake in front of their house for ice skating. It was pristine.
Complete with hockey sticks & pucks, we went outside for a little ice skating after dinner. Little did I know, it's NOTHING like riding a bike!
It has been at least 20 years since I put on a pair of ice skates. Apparently, it's a lot easier to learn this skill as a child, than to re-learn it as an adult.
Nonetheless, we had a blast! Our toes froze and we went inside after dark for some hot chocolate... and football of course!
Ava getting ready to hit the ice for the first time...
Hannah and Daddy - learning the ropes
Ava and Daddy... before she was totally confident
Ava with no training wheels!
The hockey game that commenced...
Incredibly thankful today for family, good food, outdoor air and of course, the squeels of delight from the babies!
Sunny Day Snow Day (17/365)
Saturday January 21, 2012
Today, we took full advantage of a cold, fresh snow and SUNNY day! The girls woke up early, as if it were Christmas morning, and were dressed and ready to go play outside by 8:30 am!
Of course, we told them they had to wait a little longer until we had a sufficient wake-up period.
After breakfast, we got the quad and the sled out. We called the neighbor boys, and some girlfriends and went to town!
The dads took turns pulling the sleds behind the quads.
The snowmobilers were out in full force.
We played outside from 1:00 until 5:30, when we finally went in for some much needed Just Dance 3 time - to warm up of course!
Here are some pics:
Austin, Macie, Tyler, Kaitlyn and Hannah
Hannah and Kaitlyn
Some of the adults had fun doing doughnuts on the kiddie quad too!
Macie and her Momma, Amy.
So thankful for days that aren't too fridgid to play outside, days that are full of sunshine, and the smiles on those kids' faces!
We had a blast with everyone who came out... and can't wait till the next snowfall.
Today, we took full advantage of a cold, fresh snow and SUNNY day! The girls woke up early, as if it were Christmas morning, and were dressed and ready to go play outside by 8:30 am!
Of course, we told them they had to wait a little longer until we had a sufficient wake-up period.
After breakfast, we got the quad and the sled out. We called the neighbor boys, and some girlfriends and went to town!
The dads took turns pulling the sleds behind the quads.
The snowmobilers were out in full force.
We played outside from 1:00 until 5:30, when we finally went in for some much needed Just Dance 3 time - to warm up of course!
Here are some pics:
Austin, Macie, Tyler, Kaitlyn and Hannah
Hannah and Kaitlyn
Some of the adults had fun doing doughnuts on the kiddie quad too!
Macie and her Momma, Amy.
So thankful for days that aren't too fridgid to play outside, days that are full of sunshine, and the smiles on those kids' faces!
We had a blast with everyone who came out... and can't wait till the next snowfall.
Safe Travels (16/365)
Friday January 20, 2012
Today was a loooong day... Fridays are unusually long because us girls are waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Today was especially long because Daddy was driving home in a snowstorm.
Not a bad one... We were expecting 6+ inches of fresh snow, but we only got 2 or 3 inches. Yesterday was warm, so when the temperature dropped again everything froze, and then the snow started falling on top of it.
During the day on Fridays, Ava and I usually clean the house and get it ready for Daddy. We make a nice hot meal that he can come home to. Today, we cleaned, brought wood in before the snow came, and made homemade White Chicken Chili - one of Daddy's favorites.
We figured we'd see Daddy right after work, but when he should have been walking in the door, he called and said he hadn't even left yet! He had accidentally left the headlights on in the car and it sat all day at work with a dead battery... in the cold. So, he was waiting with a friend to recharge the battery and then he would be on his way.
When Daddy finally walked in the door, us girls were so excited!
Safe travels, a running vehicle and a hot meal were just what he needed - and we were there with open arms!
Today was a loooong day... Fridays are unusually long because us girls are waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Today was especially long because Daddy was driving home in a snowstorm.
Not a bad one... We were expecting 6+ inches of fresh snow, but we only got 2 or 3 inches. Yesterday was warm, so when the temperature dropped again everything froze, and then the snow started falling on top of it.
During the day on Fridays, Ava and I usually clean the house and get it ready for Daddy. We make a nice hot meal that he can come home to. Today, we cleaned, brought wood in before the snow came, and made homemade White Chicken Chili - one of Daddy's favorites.
We figured we'd see Daddy right after work, but when he should have been walking in the door, he called and said he hadn't even left yet! He had accidentally left the headlights on in the car and it sat all day at work with a dead battery... in the cold. So, he was waiting with a friend to recharge the battery and then he would be on his way.
When Daddy finally walked in the door, us girls were so excited!
Safe travels, a running vehicle and a hot meal were just what he needed - and we were there with open arms!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Simple Things (15/365)
I take a lot of things for granted. Not intentionally, but life goes on and I don't always think about how fortunate I truly am. Recently I wrote about my friend who took a trip that started out as a vacation and turned into a mission trip of sorts (see A Friend's Inspiration). I haven't forgotten about that and I've tried every day to see the simple things and be grateful, instead of overlooking them.
Today, as I was having dinner with 2 of my most favorite girlfriends and their kids (7 kids between the 3 of us - they all get along and play so well together) I was complaining about having to stock enough wood in the house for the next three days in anticipation of 6+ inches of snow we're supposed to get tomorrow. I was describing how I have to take the wheelbarrow out the basement slider, all the way across the backyard to the woodpile, fill it up, bring it back into the house, stack it, and go back for more. It takes about 4 wheelbarrows full to get us through 3 very frigid days.
We stock the wood inside for two reasons: the first being that our woodstove is inside the house. The second reason is because it's really hard to maneuver the wheelbarrow in a blizzard, and the wood piles get stacked up with snow. So, to make life a little easier, we try to stock up inside before a good storm.
Well, I'm sure you read in my profile that I'm happily married... so why isn't my husband doing all of this work?
There are many answers to that question. The first is that I'm not a princess... I like to be treated like a princess, but I know I'm not. This is the real world and I have to pitch in too! My husband goes out all of the fall season (when he's not hunting, or working) and cuts, splits and stacks all of the wood needed to heat the house for the entire winter.
The second reason is that my husband is not here to do it. I am, in essence, a married-single mother. My husband works Monday through Friday, long and late hours... and not by choice. We are fortunate that he has a good job that allows him to do this. It's the only way we've found to make it on one income. We've been doing this for almost four years.
Since I've been laid off, going on 2 and a half years, I've stayed at home with the girls. I am diligently looking for work. But I used to work 50+ hours a week and do all that I do now. It's amazing how life turns on a dime. I had a great routine and everything was working out. Since I've been at home, I wonder how I ever did it! And when I think about going back to work, I wonder how I will ever do it again!
I thought about when I was complaining earlier about having to bring wood in for the weekend. I felt really badly about doing it. Not only does having a woodstove save us from having to fill our propane tank once every 4-6 weeks throughout the winter, but it heats better too.
I remember those fall days when my husband gets back from cutting and splitting all day, and then he has to stack it all. He thinks about how big and heavy the pieces are, making sure that I can lift them and get them into the stove. He thinks about the ease of loading and unloading each wheelbarrow. As the girls and I go out to help him stack what we can, we try to make it fun. It's not really fun though. My husband works all week long, is only home 2 days a week, and has to spend at least one of those 2 days cutting wood for the winter.
These are the things I didn't think about when I was complaining.
I also wasn't thinking about all of the people that don't have any heat in winter. They can't afford their heating bills, or they haven't a warm home to go to. As I'm sitting here in a comfortable 78 degree wood heated home, writing this in a tanktop and capri workout pants, I am thankful.
I'm thankful for my husband who works so hard - on and off the corporate clock. I'm thankful that he is giving and kind and does what he can for his family. He tries to do things economically and efficiently. He doesn't want to work all the time, but he does it because he loves us.
I'm thankful that I have a warm home to come to each day. I'm thankful my daughters aren't cold at night. I think it's kinda funny when we have guests and they always get hot in our house!
I'm also thankful for each and every wheelbarrow full of wood that I get to haul into the house tomorrow morning before the storm hits. It was cut, split and stacked with love and good intent.
I won't complain about that...
Today, as I was having dinner with 2 of my most favorite girlfriends and their kids (7 kids between the 3 of us - they all get along and play so well together) I was complaining about having to stock enough wood in the house for the next three days in anticipation of 6+ inches of snow we're supposed to get tomorrow. I was describing how I have to take the wheelbarrow out the basement slider, all the way across the backyard to the woodpile, fill it up, bring it back into the house, stack it, and go back for more. It takes about 4 wheelbarrows full to get us through 3 very frigid days.
We stock the wood inside for two reasons: the first being that our woodstove is inside the house. The second reason is because it's really hard to maneuver the wheelbarrow in a blizzard, and the wood piles get stacked up with snow. So, to make life a little easier, we try to stock up inside before a good storm.
Well, I'm sure you read in my profile that I'm happily married... so why isn't my husband doing all of this work?
There are many answers to that question. The first is that I'm not a princess... I like to be treated like a princess, but I know I'm not. This is the real world and I have to pitch in too! My husband goes out all of the fall season (when he's not hunting, or working) and cuts, splits and stacks all of the wood needed to heat the house for the entire winter.
The second reason is that my husband is not here to do it. I am, in essence, a married-single mother. My husband works Monday through Friday, long and late hours... and not by choice. We are fortunate that he has a good job that allows him to do this. It's the only way we've found to make it on one income. We've been doing this for almost four years.
Since I've been laid off, going on 2 and a half years, I've stayed at home with the girls. I am diligently looking for work. But I used to work 50+ hours a week and do all that I do now. It's amazing how life turns on a dime. I had a great routine and everything was working out. Since I've been at home, I wonder how I ever did it! And when I think about going back to work, I wonder how I will ever do it again!
I thought about when I was complaining earlier about having to bring wood in for the weekend. I felt really badly about doing it. Not only does having a woodstove save us from having to fill our propane tank once every 4-6 weeks throughout the winter, but it heats better too.
I remember those fall days when my husband gets back from cutting and splitting all day, and then he has to stack it all. He thinks about how big and heavy the pieces are, making sure that I can lift them and get them into the stove. He thinks about the ease of loading and unloading each wheelbarrow. As the girls and I go out to help him stack what we can, we try to make it fun. It's not really fun though. My husband works all week long, is only home 2 days a week, and has to spend at least one of those 2 days cutting wood for the winter.
These are the things I didn't think about when I was complaining.
I also wasn't thinking about all of the people that don't have any heat in winter. They can't afford their heating bills, or they haven't a warm home to go to. As I'm sitting here in a comfortable 78 degree wood heated home, writing this in a tanktop and capri workout pants, I am thankful.
I'm thankful for my husband who works so hard - on and off the corporate clock. I'm thankful that he is giving and kind and does what he can for his family. He tries to do things economically and efficiently. He doesn't want to work all the time, but he does it because he loves us.
I'm thankful that I have a warm home to come to each day. I'm thankful my daughters aren't cold at night. I think it's kinda funny when we have guests and they always get hot in our house!
I'm also thankful for each and every wheelbarrow full of wood that I get to haul into the house tomorrow morning before the storm hits. It was cut, split and stacked with love and good intent.
I won't complain about that...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
My Supriz Book (14/365)
Every day, when Hannah gets home from school I empty her backpack. It's usually filled with schoolwork, artwork, and other miscelaneous things she's done that day.
Today, I pulled out the most adorable book that Hannah had written and I want to share it.
Hannah writes books all the time (wonder where she gets it from??), but this one is extra special to me - it shows a lot of her talent and character.
This is Hannah...
And this is her book...
It reads: "My Surprise Book" Shhh
And when you lift the flap...
And when you lift the flap...
"I wonder what is there? I do not know." Listen... Shhh
And when you lift the flap...
"I see my friends at the store. I saw Emma and Bailee. It was a surprise!"
This makes me so happy! I love the way she articulates every letter and the literal sound of each word, trying to spell them correctly.
Just thought I'd share - isn't this precious?
Today, I pulled out the most adorable book that Hannah had written and I want to share it.
Hannah writes books all the time (wonder where she gets it from??), but this one is extra special to me - it shows a lot of her talent and character.
This is Hannah...
It reads: "My Surprise Book" Shhh
And when you lift the flap...
"What is there? I guess there's probably a surprise!" ShhhhAnd when you lift the flap...
"I wonder what is there? I do not know." Listen... Shhh
And when you lift the flap...
"I see my friends at the store. I saw Emma and Bailee. It was a surprise!"
This makes me so happy! I love the way she articulates every letter and the literal sound of each word, trying to spell them correctly.
Just thought I'd share - isn't this precious?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Baby Steps (13/365)
Today was FULL of baby steps.
First of all, my baby nephew who is just over 10 months old is WALKING!!!
This is Levi with his Daddy (my baby brother).
My oldest Hannah was walking by 9 months, and speaking sentences by 12 months. It was amazing, so I know how proud they are of their little man (and so is Auntie)!
The next baby steps that I experienced today was the exhilaration of working out again! It's been (shame shame) since April of last year that I've really worked out. I played in 2 softball leagues last summer, but that was the only exercise I got.
So, today I spent an hour with Bob Harper in my living room. Let me tell you... this is one of the workout DVD's that I've had for over a year and have never used. WHOA! What an amazing workout! It felt soooo good! I actually can't wait to get up tomorrow and reintroduce myself to my treadmill.
Every time I think about how hard I worked last year to lose the 35 pounds I did, I get down on myself thinking that if I had never quit working out, I'd be to my goal weight by now. But every time I do that, I turn my thoughts around and tell myself that I'm doing it now, and I can't take back time.
I have a couple of friends holding me accountable. We're going to tag-team the workouts and encourage each other to keep going. It feels so good to know that I have support and positive thinkers around me - - the days will come that I don't feel like working out, or I stayed up too late and don't want to get up early to get going... excuses excuses!!
I am SO excited! My motivation, among wanting to be at a goal weight, feeling and looking healthy, is standing up in one of my bestest friend's wedding in December of this year.
I am incredibly thankful for motivation today. Whether it's mine or someone else's, it's positive either way.
I'm also so thankful and amazingly proud of my baby nephew - walking like a little man. I can't wait to see him!
First of all, my baby nephew who is just over 10 months old is WALKING!!!
This is Levi with his Daddy (my baby brother).
My oldest Hannah was walking by 9 months, and speaking sentences by 12 months. It was amazing, so I know how proud they are of their little man (and so is Auntie)!
The next baby steps that I experienced today was the exhilaration of working out again! It's been (shame shame) since April of last year that I've really worked out. I played in 2 softball leagues last summer, but that was the only exercise I got.
So, today I spent an hour with Bob Harper in my living room. Let me tell you... this is one of the workout DVD's that I've had for over a year and have never used. WHOA! What an amazing workout! It felt soooo good! I actually can't wait to get up tomorrow and reintroduce myself to my treadmill.
Every time I think about how hard I worked last year to lose the 35 pounds I did, I get down on myself thinking that if I had never quit working out, I'd be to my goal weight by now. But every time I do that, I turn my thoughts around and tell myself that I'm doing it now, and I can't take back time.
I have a couple of friends holding me accountable. We're going to tag-team the workouts and encourage each other to keep going. It feels so good to know that I have support and positive thinkers around me - - the days will come that I don't feel like working out, or I stayed up too late and don't want to get up early to get going... excuses excuses!!
I am SO excited! My motivation, among wanting to be at a goal weight, feeling and looking healthy, is standing up in one of my bestest friend's wedding in December of this year.
I am incredibly thankful for motivation today. Whether it's mine or someone else's, it's positive either way.
I'm also so thankful and amazingly proud of my baby nephew - walking like a little man. I can't wait to see him!
Monday, January 16, 2012
I've Got Nothin' (12/365)
Well, I knew this would happen eventually... I feel I have nothing to write about today.
I know I sent out 3 posts earlier, but I had actually written those on that day and saved them as a draft so I could publish them the right way when I had time.
Today, I've been cleaning, picking up after the weekend, hanging out with my youngest all day. I've been searching for cute things that happened or something that popped into my head that would be a good topic... but I've got nothin'.
So, I'm thankful that tomorrow is a new day. Thankful I get to spend one more day with my family.
Ava and I have dance class tomorrow and I am also officially starting what will hopefully be my final weight loss journey... stay tuned.
I know I sent out 3 posts earlier, but I had actually written those on that day and saved them as a draft so I could publish them the right way when I had time.
Today, I've been cleaning, picking up after the weekend, hanging out with my youngest all day. I've been searching for cute things that happened or something that popped into my head that would be a good topic... but I've got nothin'.
So, I'm thankful that tomorrow is a new day. Thankful I get to spend one more day with my family.
Ava and I have dance class tomorrow and I am also officially starting what will hopefully be my final weight loss journey... stay tuned.
A Friend's Inspiration (11/365)
Today I did a lot of reflecting.
I RARELY take vacations. The last vacation I took was a 12-hour car ride with my husband to North Carolina to visit our very good friends for 4 days. It was a blast!
But when I say vacation, I mean get on a plane and disappear for at least a week.
This is next to impossible when you have young children and any sitter you can think of has a job of their own!
So, I live vicariously through my friends that DO travel.
One in particular, goes on 2 or 3 vacations every year. And she has some amazing stories!
After her last trip, she came home with some REALLY amazing stories. Stories of heartbreak, hope and stories that have inspired me.
I think vacation and I think ME-ME-ME. Time off, time away, warm weather, no responsibilities, being served, being pampered - you get the idea.
I don't think about the people that live in this tourist paradise. The people serving me, pampering me. I don't think about the fact that this is how they make their living. One dollar to them is like one hundred or more to me.
My girlfriend left behind most of her clothing for the local people, all of her toiletries and anything else she could think of that would make these people's lives easier or give them a dose of a little luxury, that they so richly deserved.
She shared stories of hope, happiness (and a little comical drama in-between) and it really brought some perspective to my life.
I get a vacation every day when I have running water, toilets that flush, hot food on the table, children that have clothing that fits, freedom to drive my car (that I own) anywhere I want to without fear.
I can't wait to see the pictures from my friend's trip, and she has plans for more missionary-like vacations in the future.
Maybe I'll be able to join her on one.
But if not, I'm glad to have a friend so compassionate and willing to share her experiences so I can be reminded how truly blessed I am.
I RARELY take vacations. The last vacation I took was a 12-hour car ride with my husband to North Carolina to visit our very good friends for 4 days. It was a blast!
But when I say vacation, I mean get on a plane and disappear for at least a week.
This is next to impossible when you have young children and any sitter you can think of has a job of their own!
So, I live vicariously through my friends that DO travel.
One in particular, goes on 2 or 3 vacations every year. And she has some amazing stories!
After her last trip, she came home with some REALLY amazing stories. Stories of heartbreak, hope and stories that have inspired me.
I think vacation and I think ME-ME-ME. Time off, time away, warm weather, no responsibilities, being served, being pampered - you get the idea.
I don't think about the people that live in this tourist paradise. The people serving me, pampering me. I don't think about the fact that this is how they make their living. One dollar to them is like one hundred or more to me.
My girlfriend left behind most of her clothing for the local people, all of her toiletries and anything else she could think of that would make these people's lives easier or give them a dose of a little luxury, that they so richly deserved.
She shared stories of hope, happiness (and a little comical drama in-between) and it really brought some perspective to my life.
I get a vacation every day when I have running water, toilets that flush, hot food on the table, children that have clothing that fits, freedom to drive my car (that I own) anywhere I want to without fear.
I can't wait to see the pictures from my friend's trip, and she has plans for more missionary-like vacations in the future.
Maybe I'll be able to join her on one.
But if not, I'm glad to have a friend so compassionate and willing to share her experiences so I can be reminded how truly blessed I am.
Lazy (10/365)
Today was a super lazy day.
I love lazy days. But let me say the only reason I was able to be lazy is because my daughters were at a sleepover with their Bumpa & Gwi Gwi. Normally, there's no rest for the weary around here!
We got up and made coffee and breakfast. I didn't clean the kitchen afterward (not right away).
Then, we sat around with our friends who we had hung out with the night before (see Dancy Pants), and each of us had a game of Words With Friends going - against each other!
When our friends left, my husband and I proceeded right back to the couch... for the rest of the afternoon!
Obviously, we got hungry at some point and decided neither of us felt like cooking. So, we got ready and went to dinner - just the two of us.
We were gone about 2 hours - I ran into a friend of mine at the restaurant who was with her baby boy, so I got to meet him for the first time!
When we got home, we put on our pj's, watched a little football, and were in bed by 11:00 pm.
Perfectly lazy.
Perfectly refreshing.
Perfectly ok.
I love lazy days. But let me say the only reason I was able to be lazy is because my daughters were at a sleepover with their Bumpa & Gwi Gwi. Normally, there's no rest for the weary around here!
We got up and made coffee and breakfast. I didn't clean the kitchen afterward (not right away).
Then, we sat around with our friends who we had hung out with the night before (see Dancy Pants), and each of us had a game of Words With Friends going - against each other!
When our friends left, my husband and I proceeded right back to the couch... for the rest of the afternoon!
Obviously, we got hungry at some point and decided neither of us felt like cooking. So, we got ready and went to dinner - just the two of us.
We were gone about 2 hours - I ran into a friend of mine at the restaurant who was with her baby boy, so I got to meet him for the first time!
When we got home, we put on our pj's, watched a little football, and were in bed by 11:00 pm.
Perfectly lazy.
Perfectly refreshing.
Perfectly ok.
Dancy Pants (9/365)
So... today is Monday, and this post is from Friday. Luckily, I can jot down blog ideas and drafts in my phone using the Blogger App. It's pretty much a lifesaver since I've committed to blogging once per day for a year - yikes!
Today was a fun day. A SNOW DAY! Hannah didn't have school since we got our first nasty-road snowfall. So, what did us girls do?
And we cleaned a little, but I have little girls, so they Looooooove to help me clean.
Over Christmas, we bought Just Dance 3 for our Wii. We had played it a couple of times at a friend's house and Hannah is AWESOME! Ava can also try to keep up, and if nothing else, just shake her remote to give her a good score!
The girls play this game everyday. Every. Day. As soon as Hannah gets out of school, she turns on the Wii. I'm not that mom to just let my kids have a free-for-all with the video games, but c'mon! We're dancing!
We each took turns and danced and taught each other the lessons that you can't win or be the best EVERYTIME - especially when people are different ages and sizes and skill levels. My youngest HATES to lose. She usually does though because she's the smallest and least experienced. So, we just make it fun and compliment each other's good moves.
Then 2:30 rolled around and it was time to go to Bumpa and Gwi Gwi's for the weekend. My parents live an hour away and my girls have always had an amazingly close relationship with them, so every so often, the girls go to their house for a weekend visit.
After I dropped them off with Bumpa, I headed home to get ready for my double date with my hubby (whom I haven't seen all week), and my very very good friend and her fiance.
We went to dinner and visited a while, then headed back to our house for a night cap. Well, in addition to the nightcap, we started playing Just Dance 3! We started a tournament of boys vs. girls, 5 songs.
Well, us girls thought for SURE we would win. After all, we're girls and we naturally just know how to dance better than boys, right?!
The boys were KILLING us at first. We were down over 6,000 points. So, we then danced Katy Perry's California Girls and between the two of us, we got 9 STARS!! Over 18,000 points! You'd think that we'd have it in the bag at that point, but after the next two songs, which the boys picked, we lost by just over 1,000 points.
The best part was catching the boys dance on video (which I'll save for blackmail at some point) and having an amazingly fun time with just my hubby and our friends.
I am incredibly thankful for really good friends (the lifelong kind), and the fact that I can be myself around them without worrying about how I look, especially how I dance...
Our friends stayed for breakfast... and no, we didn't rematch in the morning!
Today was a fun day. A SNOW DAY! Hannah didn't have school since we got our first nasty-road snowfall. So, what did us girls do?
And we cleaned a little, but I have little girls, so they Looooooove to help me clean.
Over Christmas, we bought Just Dance 3 for our Wii. We had played it a couple of times at a friend's house and Hannah is AWESOME! Ava can also try to keep up, and if nothing else, just shake her remote to give her a good score!
The girls play this game everyday. Every. Day. As soon as Hannah gets out of school, she turns on the Wii. I'm not that mom to just let my kids have a free-for-all with the video games, but c'mon! We're dancing!
We each took turns and danced and taught each other the lessons that you can't win or be the best EVERYTIME - especially when people are different ages and sizes and skill levels. My youngest HATES to lose. She usually does though because she's the smallest and least experienced. So, we just make it fun and compliment each other's good moves.
Then 2:30 rolled around and it was time to go to Bumpa and Gwi Gwi's for the weekend. My parents live an hour away and my girls have always had an amazingly close relationship with them, so every so often, the girls go to their house for a weekend visit.
After I dropped them off with Bumpa, I headed home to get ready for my double date with my hubby (whom I haven't seen all week), and my very very good friend and her fiance.
We went to dinner and visited a while, then headed back to our house for a night cap. Well, in addition to the nightcap, we started playing Just Dance 3! We started a tournament of boys vs. girls, 5 songs.
Well, us girls thought for SURE we would win. After all, we're girls and we naturally just know how to dance better than boys, right?!
The boys were KILLING us at first. We were down over 6,000 points. So, we then danced Katy Perry's California Girls and between the two of us, we got 9 STARS!! Over 18,000 points! You'd think that we'd have it in the bag at that point, but after the next two songs, which the boys picked, we lost by just over 1,000 points.
The best part was catching the boys dance on video (which I'll save for blackmail at some point) and having an amazingly fun time with just my hubby and our friends.
I am incredibly thankful for really good friends (the lifelong kind), and the fact that I can be myself around them without worrying about how I look, especially how I dance...
Our friends stayed for breakfast... and no, we didn't rematch in the morning!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
We're Having Another Baby?! (8/365)
Isn't that AWESOME?!!!
I'm totally kidding! We are NOT having another baby! And Mom, if you're reading this, I certainly wouldn't tell you through my blog. Sheesh!
But I do know a TON of people that are having a baby.
Lately I've been thinking, "What if we did have anoth..." NOPE. NOPE! I can't even seem to finish the thought!
I can say this... The people that I know that ARE having babies are either already great mothers, or will be terrific first time mothers! I would like to celebrate all of you.
I'm finally in a place in my life where I can enjoy other babies. This may sound weird or harsh, but I couldn't for a long time. Having my own babies distracted me from being able to get to know or enjoy anyone else's. But now that my kids are growing up, they're a little more self-sufficient. I have found lately that I am engaging so much more with other kids, getting much more involved. More so like my girlfriends do with my kids. I've always envied that.
I can't wait to enjoy all of your babies this time around! I'm truly very excited!
I posted something today on Facebook that I learned last night, and it shocked me...
"Each day, about the same number of babies are killed by abortion as people were killed on 9/11."
I am SO thankful for life - and for the women who choose to give it! THANK YOU! I don't judge those who have or will abort, because that's not my place to do so. But my choice is life!
I can't wait to meet all of the new little lives that will be in the year 2012!
I'm totally kidding! We are NOT having another baby! And Mom, if you're reading this, I certainly wouldn't tell you through my blog. Sheesh!
But I do know a TON of people that are having a baby.
Lately I've been thinking, "What if we did have anoth..." NOPE. NOPE! I can't even seem to finish the thought!
I can say this... The people that I know that ARE having babies are either already great mothers, or will be terrific first time mothers! I would like to celebrate all of you.
I'm finally in a place in my life where I can enjoy other babies. This may sound weird or harsh, but I couldn't for a long time. Having my own babies distracted me from being able to get to know or enjoy anyone else's. But now that my kids are growing up, they're a little more self-sufficient. I have found lately that I am engaging so much more with other kids, getting much more involved. More so like my girlfriends do with my kids. I've always envied that.
I can't wait to enjoy all of your babies this time around! I'm truly very excited!
I posted something today on Facebook that I learned last night, and it shocked me...
"Each day, about the same number of babies are killed by abortion as people were killed on 9/11."
I am SO thankful for life - and for the women who choose to give it! THANK YOU! I don't judge those who have or will abort, because that's not my place to do so. But my choice is life!
I can't wait to meet all of the new little lives that will be in the year 2012!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kindergarten and Coffee (7/365)
Do you see what I see? I'm on day 7! Only 51 times more to my goal! Ha!
Today I went to Hannah's Kindergarten assembly where she was acknowledged as Student of the Month for December. I, along with my step-dad (Hannah's Bumpa) and my in-laws (Nana & Papa) sat patiently waiting for her to come in. Hannah's other grandparents wanted so badly to be there, but work or illness didn't permit (but I took video).
This was a total suprise to Hannah and she had no idea that we were there.
When she walked in, you could see that one by one, she recognized us and beamed with delight.
As each class was announcing their Student of the Month, I was watching Hannah. Perfectly poised, doing exactly what she was told by sitting quietly and listening to the other students as they were announced. Then it was her turn.
Her teacher came up front and named Hannah as her choice for Student of the Month for December. The theme that month was Caring. The first words out of her teacher's mouth were, "I pretty much knew from the second day of school that I was going to pick Hannah for this theme." So, instantly, I turned into THAT Mom. Tears came flowing, as I'm trying to steady my video camera to capture this moment for my husband who couldn't take work off to be there.
Her teacher went on about Hannah's compassion for others, her superbly caring nature and what an absolute joy she is to have in her class. After her award was handed out along with the t-shirt and bumper sticker, we all cheered and Hannah was allowed to come over and greet us.
We took pictures together and sent her back to class.
Afterward in the parking lot, my youngest daughter and I said our goodbyes to the grandparents and started for the car. My Mom-in-law stopped over to the car and asked Ava and I if we'd like to come over for coffee (for me) and a mid-morning chat. Now, normally it's just Ava and me at home all day while Hannah's in school and we fill our time with fun things!
But it's nice to get out once in a while and visit with adults, while the kids play. Any stay-at-home mom would tell you that in a heartbeat! So, we stopped over for what was going to be a cup of coffee and I'd return home to put Ava down for her nap. We ended up staying for lunch and 2 hours of great conversation! What a blessing!
Today, I was filled with love and pride for my daughter Hannah - who, I think got a MAJOR confidence booster. Parents, grandparents, if you can, if work permits (not all do), try to attend these things for your kids & grandkids. The look on Hannah's face to see her family standing behind her cheering her on and showering her with love and praise was priceless. It's something that, if you can absolutely help it, you won't ever forget!
And to my mother-in-law: The conversation and company this morning was wonderful. I hope we have many more days just like this. Thank you.
Today I went to Hannah's Kindergarten assembly where she was acknowledged as Student of the Month for December. I, along with my step-dad (Hannah's Bumpa) and my in-laws (Nana & Papa) sat patiently waiting for her to come in. Hannah's other grandparents wanted so badly to be there, but work or illness didn't permit (but I took video).
This was a total suprise to Hannah and she had no idea that we were there.
When she walked in, you could see that one by one, she recognized us and beamed with delight.
As each class was announcing their Student of the Month, I was watching Hannah. Perfectly poised, doing exactly what she was told by sitting quietly and listening to the other students as they were announced. Then it was her turn.
Her teacher came up front and named Hannah as her choice for Student of the Month for December. The theme that month was Caring. The first words out of her teacher's mouth were, "I pretty much knew from the second day of school that I was going to pick Hannah for this theme." So, instantly, I turned into THAT Mom. Tears came flowing, as I'm trying to steady my video camera to capture this moment for my husband who couldn't take work off to be there.
Her teacher went on about Hannah's compassion for others, her superbly caring nature and what an absolute joy she is to have in her class. After her award was handed out along with the t-shirt and bumper sticker, we all cheered and Hannah was allowed to come over and greet us.
We took pictures together and sent her back to class.
Afterward in the parking lot, my youngest daughter and I said our goodbyes to the grandparents and started for the car. My Mom-in-law stopped over to the car and asked Ava and I if we'd like to come over for coffee (for me) and a mid-morning chat. Now, normally it's just Ava and me at home all day while Hannah's in school and we fill our time with fun things!
But it's nice to get out once in a while and visit with adults, while the kids play. Any stay-at-home mom would tell you that in a heartbeat! So, we stopped over for what was going to be a cup of coffee and I'd return home to put Ava down for her nap. We ended up staying for lunch and 2 hours of great conversation! What a blessing!
Today, I was filled with love and pride for my daughter Hannah - who, I think got a MAJOR confidence booster. Parents, grandparents, if you can, if work permits (not all do), try to attend these things for your kids & grandkids. The look on Hannah's face to see her family standing behind her cheering her on and showering her with love and praise was priceless. It's something that, if you can absolutely help it, you won't ever forget!
And to my mother-in-law: The conversation and company this morning was wonderful. I hope we have many more days just like this. Thank you.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Pact (6/365)
Today I made a pact with a friend. Most of it was over Facebook, just commenting back & forth.
The other part, the real part, was in a phone call with her later this evening.
Last year, I had a goal to lose 25 pounds by my 30th birthday. I started in January, and by April 9th, I had lost 30 pounds! Throughout the rest of the year, I lost another 5-7 (it fluctuates), and kept off the 30 pounds I had lost earlier.
Of course, this is all baby weight. And we can talk baby weight all we want, but let's be real. When I say baby weight, I mean, for both of my pregnancies, I ate what I wanted, didn't exercise, and I had two girls, so the sugar cravings were GINORMOUS!!
I totally did it to myself. I'm being very honest here when I tell you that I gained 65 pounds with my first pregnancy. Of which, I lost 20 lbs in the two years in-between pregnancies. With my second, I gained another 60 pounds. And I thought I was doing great! By the 5th month of that second pregnancy, I had only gained 9 pounds! But come Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the food and the winter months, I gained A LOT in those last 4-ish months. If you do the math, that means from pre-pregnancy to just after my second was born, I was over 100 pounds heavier than ever. EVER.
I lost 35 of those pounds pretty much right away after having my second baby.
And that's where it stopped. My baby is almost 3 years old. I have allowed life to take over me!
Last year, I said enough was enough. I worked out every day of the week but one. I was burning over 1,000 calories each day. And it worked! So, I'm down 70-ish pounds and have 30 more to go. Wow! I just read that back and I've never actually thought about how much weight that is!!
But when April came last year, I had my 30th birthday and right after that... SUMMER!
Who wants to work out in the summer?? Not this girl!
I know how to lost weight. Calories in vs. Calories out. It will be that same way until the end of time.
So, getting on with it, today I made a pact. I posted on Facebook, "Someone please give me a start date and hold me accountable!! Ahhhhh!"
Well, someone took me up on that and now I have to follow through with it! I meant what I said, I just have ZERO motivation. Zero.
So when my friend called me tonight just to vent about how she thinks she looks (she is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L) and areas that she wants to work on and reasons why she needs a buddy... I knew I was hooked.
I am very grateful for the phone call, the shout out on Facebook and the encouraging words that she shares with me every time we meet.
I am looking forward to getting my life back. It's more than just a few vanity (baby) pounds, it's a state of mind. It's overcoming so many things by feeling good about myself. It's choosing good habits and making good choices - and having a great time doing it!
So, thank you, Friend for the call.
We're gonna do it together.
The other part, the real part, was in a phone call with her later this evening.
Last year, I had a goal to lose 25 pounds by my 30th birthday. I started in January, and by April 9th, I had lost 30 pounds! Throughout the rest of the year, I lost another 5-7 (it fluctuates), and kept off the 30 pounds I had lost earlier.
Of course, this is all baby weight. And we can talk baby weight all we want, but let's be real. When I say baby weight, I mean, for both of my pregnancies, I ate what I wanted, didn't exercise, and I had two girls, so the sugar cravings were GINORMOUS!!
I totally did it to myself. I'm being very honest here when I tell you that I gained 65 pounds with my first pregnancy. Of which, I lost 20 lbs in the two years in-between pregnancies. With my second, I gained another 60 pounds. And I thought I was doing great! By the 5th month of that second pregnancy, I had only gained 9 pounds! But come Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the food and the winter months, I gained A LOT in those last 4-ish months. If you do the math, that means from pre-pregnancy to just after my second was born, I was over 100 pounds heavier than ever. EVER.
I lost 35 of those pounds pretty much right away after having my second baby.
And that's where it stopped. My baby is almost 3 years old. I have allowed life to take over me!
Last year, I said enough was enough. I worked out every day of the week but one. I was burning over 1,000 calories each day. And it worked! So, I'm down 70-ish pounds and have 30 more to go. Wow! I just read that back and I've never actually thought about how much weight that is!!
But when April came last year, I had my 30th birthday and right after that... SUMMER!
Who wants to work out in the summer?? Not this girl!
I know how to lost weight. Calories in vs. Calories out. It will be that same way until the end of time.
So, getting on with it, today I made a pact. I posted on Facebook, "Someone please give me a start date and hold me accountable!! Ahhhhh!"
Well, someone took me up on that and now I have to follow through with it! I meant what I said, I just have ZERO motivation. Zero.
So when my friend called me tonight just to vent about how she thinks she looks (she is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L) and areas that she wants to work on and reasons why she needs a buddy... I knew I was hooked.
I am very grateful for the phone call, the shout out on Facebook and the encouraging words that she shares with me every time we meet.
I am looking forward to getting my life back. It's more than just a few vanity (baby) pounds, it's a state of mind. It's overcoming so many things by feeling good about myself. It's choosing good habits and making good choices - and having a great time doing it!
So, thank you, Friend for the call.
We're gonna do it together.
Monday, January 9, 2012
We Had Some Words (5/365)
I am having so much fun right now!
But... I'm not really getting anything done that I should be.
I started playing Words With Friends a couple of weeks ago and
At first I only had a couple of friends that liked to play. Then I hooked my husband's iPod Touch up with the game, and more friends were found in the meantime.
Tonight I had 6 games going at the same time.
Well, needless to say, I put the girls to bed around 9:00 and I have been playing ever since! Instead, I should have been folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, going through the mail... something else besides playing this game.
So, tomorrow starts a new day. I needed a new routine anyway, so I'm looking on the bright side and saying that just as I did when I first joined Facebook, I will find a happy medium.
I will say this though, anyone who has ever seen my Facebook status updates on the weekends knows that Scrabble is a serious super-fun pasttime of mine and my husband's. We play it almost EVERY weekend, year round, after the girls go to bed.
Today, I'm thankful for pasttimes, and technology that brings people together.
Oh, and I won all 6 games - beat my husband by 4 points on the last word!
But... I'm not really getting anything done that I should be.
I started playing Words With Friends a couple of weeks ago and
At first I only had a couple of friends that liked to play. Then I hooked my husband's iPod Touch up with the game, and more friends were found in the meantime.
Tonight I had 6 games going at the same time.
Well, needless to say, I put the girls to bed around 9:00 and I have been playing ever since! Instead, I should have been folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, going through the mail... something else besides playing this game.
So, tomorrow starts a new day. I needed a new routine anyway, so I'm looking on the bright side and saying that just as I did when I first joined Facebook, I will find a happy medium.
I will say this though, anyone who has ever seen my Facebook status updates on the weekends knows that Scrabble is a serious super-fun pasttime of mine and my husband's. We play it almost EVERY weekend, year round, after the girls go to bed.
Today, I'm thankful for pasttimes, and technology that brings people together.
Oh, and I won all 6 games - beat my husband by 4 points on the last word!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
My Cup Runneth Over (4/365)
We got some good news at the end of last week.
A letter came from school that said our Hannah is going to be named Student of the Month for December! She, along with a few other students both in her grade and other grades in the school, was chosen as Student of the month for being an exceptional model student for that month's character trait: caring.
Of course I knew that Hannah is exceptional. From the minute she was born, she was exceptional!
She's the one that cried so exceptionally well! (See my first ever blog post Flashbacks to Losing It).
She said her first real word at 7-ish months old. She was putting sentences together by her first birthday.
She was crawling by 5 months, walking by 9 months, running by 10 months.
Everything she has ever touched turns to gold.
She is great at every sport she plays.
When she sings, she has a natural vibrato - at the AGE OF 5! And she's in tune!
She is tenderhearted, loving, selfless (for the most part - after all, she's 5)!
She has needed discipline, like, a total of maybe 5 times ever in her life.
She minds well, she is sweet and oh my goodness does she LOVE her little sister!
So, of course, I'm not surprised that she is receiving Student of the Month for Caring. As parents, we are so overjoyed at the smallest accomplishments for our children. I don't know if this is big or small. It's probably HUGE in her world! In the big picture though, will she remember being Student of the Month in Kindergarten when she goes off to college?
Probably not.
But I will.
It's character traits like these that give us parents not only a sense of accomplishment, but immense pride!
I sent an email to all of Hannah's grandparents tonight letting them know that there is an assembly at school where Hannah will be presented with a certificate, a t-shirt and probably one of those cool bumper stickers for my car. As I was typing the email, my eyes were welling up with tears. I had to choke them back, and I actually felt a little silly. I will be THAT MOM that cries at this assembly.
And the next one.
And the next one.
And prom. And... And...
But I'm okay with that.
My beautiful, talented, smart, amazing daughter is growing up so fast! I am so proud of her every day smaller accomplishments as well as the bigger accomplishments! I've always said that I couldn't have designed better children in my dreams.
God gave me the perfect children... for me.
My cup runneth over.
A letter came from school that said our Hannah is going to be named Student of the Month for December! She, along with a few other students both in her grade and other grades in the school, was chosen as Student of the month for being an exceptional model student for that month's character trait: caring.
Of course I knew that Hannah is exceptional. From the minute she was born, she was exceptional!
She's the one that cried so exceptionally well! (See my first ever blog post Flashbacks to Losing It).
She said her first real word at 7-ish months old. She was putting sentences together by her first birthday.
She was crawling by 5 months, walking by 9 months, running by 10 months.
Everything she has ever touched turns to gold.
She is great at every sport she plays.
When she sings, she has a natural vibrato - at the AGE OF 5! And she's in tune!
She is tenderhearted, loving, selfless (for the most part - after all, she's 5)!
She has needed discipline, like, a total of maybe 5 times ever in her life.
She minds well, she is sweet and oh my goodness does she LOVE her little sister!
So, of course, I'm not surprised that she is receiving Student of the Month for Caring. As parents, we are so overjoyed at the smallest accomplishments for our children. I don't know if this is big or small. It's probably HUGE in her world! In the big picture though, will she remember being Student of the Month in Kindergarten when she goes off to college?
Probably not.
But I will.
It's character traits like these that give us parents not only a sense of accomplishment, but immense pride!
I sent an email to all of Hannah's grandparents tonight letting them know that there is an assembly at school where Hannah will be presented with a certificate, a t-shirt and probably one of those cool bumper stickers for my car. As I was typing the email, my eyes were welling up with tears. I had to choke them back, and I actually felt a little silly. I will be THAT MOM that cries at this assembly.
And the next one.
And the next one.
And prom. And... And...
But I'm okay with that.
My beautiful, talented, smart, amazing daughter is growing up so fast! I am so proud of her every day smaller accomplishments as well as the bigger accomplishments! I've always said that I couldn't have designed better children in my dreams.
God gave me the perfect children... for me.
My cup runneth over.
Family Time (3/365)
Christmas is over. But the parties are not!
Today we had our family Christmas get together with my mom, step dad, brothers and sisters and all the neices and nephew (just one nephew for now). We like to do it after the actual Christmas season because trying to get everyone together on one day with all of our crazy busy schedules is next to impossible!
Let me start this off by saying getting together in big groups is stressful for me. I don't know why, it has just been that way for some time. I haven't always been this way, it's just that something has changed in the last couple of years and I have been a little more isolated and it's hard for me to be around big groups.
So, when I knew we were getting together today I had to prepare myself for half a day with lots of people, not in my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong... my family is WONDERFUL. My two brothers and their wives are amazing people and we have a great time together. My step-sister just got married to a wonderful man and we love to catch up. The kids all love each other, are close in age and also have a great time. The anxiety is ALL ME. And I can't explain it.
We had an AWESOME time.
My older brother showed up with the most hideous nasty looking brown-ish turtle neck sweater on (he is NOT wearing it in the family photo). I took one look and gave him the stink-eye. Not knowing if he seriously picked that out because he liked it, or if it was a joke, I didn't say anything. Surely I am the one member of the family that says whatever is on my mind, usually without thinking. He was surprised that I didn't totally let him have it for wearing that sweater! Come to find out, he had just gone to an ugly sweater party and wanted to see everyone's reaction when he wore it!
My younger brother was there with his new (9 month old) son and his wife. My nephew brings me so much joy! He is so well behaved, and has the cutest little face. I just love him! And of course, the Detroit Lions were playing their first playoff game this evening and my little brother is NOT a fan. So, we heckled over this... We're 16 months apart in age, so we have a good time!
My step-sister and her new husband were there. They have such an amazing life! They always have great stories to share and we love getting to know her husband. They are a very unique couple and we just love having them there whenever we get together.
My mom and step-dad were in GREAT moods (as always). My mom lives to see her family together. She LOVES, and that's a huge understatement, to have all of her kids and grandkids together in the same room. It doesn't happen often...
So I put the pressure out of my mind and just went with it. We had an amazing time, the food was fabulous, the kids had a great time opening gifts and we ended up staying until after the Lions' game was over (almost midnight).
I am learning to relax, go with the flow and not let my imagination run me so much. For me, it's a hard thing to do, but with time and practice, it will get easier! I don't want to miss out on anything... especially more days like today!
Today we had our family Christmas get together with my mom, step dad, brothers and sisters and all the neices and nephew (just one nephew for now). We like to do it after the actual Christmas season because trying to get everyone together on one day with all of our crazy busy schedules is next to impossible!
Let me start this off by saying getting together in big groups is stressful for me. I don't know why, it has just been that way for some time. I haven't always been this way, it's just that something has changed in the last couple of years and I have been a little more isolated and it's hard for me to be around big groups.
So, when I knew we were getting together today I had to prepare myself for half a day with lots of people, not in my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong... my family is WONDERFUL. My two brothers and their wives are amazing people and we have a great time together. My step-sister just got married to a wonderful man and we love to catch up. The kids all love each other, are close in age and also have a great time. The anxiety is ALL ME. And I can't explain it.
We had an AWESOME time.
My older brother showed up with the most hideous nasty looking brown-ish turtle neck sweater on (he is NOT wearing it in the family photo). I took one look and gave him the stink-eye. Not knowing if he seriously picked that out because he liked it, or if it was a joke, I didn't say anything. Surely I am the one member of the family that says whatever is on my mind, usually without thinking. He was surprised that I didn't totally let him have it for wearing that sweater! Come to find out, he had just gone to an ugly sweater party and wanted to see everyone's reaction when he wore it!
My younger brother was there with his new (9 month old) son and his wife. My nephew brings me so much joy! He is so well behaved, and has the cutest little face. I just love him! And of course, the Detroit Lions were playing their first playoff game this evening and my little brother is NOT a fan. So, we heckled over this... We're 16 months apart in age, so we have a good time!
My step-sister and her new husband were there. They have such an amazing life! They always have great stories to share and we love getting to know her husband. They are a very unique couple and we just love having them there whenever we get together.
My mom and step-dad were in GREAT moods (as always). My mom lives to see her family together. She LOVES, and that's a huge understatement, to have all of her kids and grandkids together in the same room. It doesn't happen often...
So I put the pressure out of my mind and just went with it. We had an amazing time, the food was fabulous, the kids had a great time opening gifts and we ended up staying until after the Lions' game was over (almost midnight).
I am learning to relax, go with the flow and not let my imagination run me so much. For me, it's a hard thing to do, but with time and practice, it will get easier! I don't want to miss out on anything... especially more days like today!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Little Giggles (2/365)
I am NOT a morning person... AT ALL.
I like to get up, turn on The Today Show, have a pot of coffee (yes, I said a pot), turn on the computer and have quiet time to myself to wake up.
This thing is... I have kids. Young kids.
My (almost) 6 year old, Hannah, is like me. She likes to watch a little tv and chill before she actually has to DO something in the morning. For this reason, I wake her up 30 minutes before she has to even think about getting ready for school.
My (almost) 3 year old, on the other hand, is a TOTAL morning person! She wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to tackle the day. She likes to get dressed right away, likes to get up and get going!
So today I was trying to do my thing, drink my coffee, check my emails and she is ALL OVER ME! She wants to play the Wii, wants to play a game on the computer, wants some juice. I just want to wake up! So, I pick her up and put her on my lap. I figured I'd show her what's up on Facebook (as if she would be interested)!
Instead, I seized the moment.
We started tickling... and the belly laughs were free-flowing!
And we put our foreheads together and moved our heads from side to side, making our eyes move sideways. She LOVES that! We could not stop laughing!
Then she leaned in and put her nose to mine and gave me an eskimo kiss. And another. And another.
And we laughed some more.
I love the giggles. The belly giggles, the little giggles, ALL the giggles.
Needless to say, my morning started off better than any coffee or computer could have kick started!
I like to get up, turn on The Today Show, have a pot of coffee (yes, I said a pot), turn on the computer and have quiet time to myself to wake up.
This thing is... I have kids. Young kids.
My (almost) 6 year old, Hannah, is like me. She likes to watch a little tv and chill before she actually has to DO something in the morning. For this reason, I wake her up 30 minutes before she has to even think about getting ready for school.
My (almost) 3 year old, on the other hand, is a TOTAL morning person! She wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to tackle the day. She likes to get dressed right away, likes to get up and get going!
So today I was trying to do my thing, drink my coffee, check my emails and she is ALL OVER ME! She wants to play the Wii, wants to play a game on the computer, wants some juice. I just want to wake up! So, I pick her up and put her on my lap. I figured I'd show her what's up on Facebook (as if she would be interested)!
Instead, I seized the moment.
We started tickling... and the belly laughs were free-flowing!
And we put our foreheads together and moved our heads from side to side, making our eyes move sideways. She LOVES that! We could not stop laughing!
Then she leaned in and put her nose to mine and gave me an eskimo kiss. And another. And another.
And we laughed some more.
I love the giggles. The belly giggles, the little giggles, ALL the giggles.
Needless to say, my morning started off better than any coffee or computer could have kick started!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Time (1/365)
Happy 2012!
This year I am going to try something that I've never done before. I have a friend, Meg Daniel, who runs a blog out of Colorado. Last year, she vowed to write a new blog post every day for a year. She would write each day about something, or someone she is thankful for, or an event that happened on that day that touched her. I have been reading them faithfully... and you should too because they're touching, funny, honest and refreshing. Here's a link to her blog - Adventures Out West. She has more than 34,000 hits on her blog, and this September, she was published in an online community called Glass Heel. Glass Heel is an online community for professional women of all ages - it's a place to go to develop professionally, find networks of people to help you expand, as well as finding a great support system with other women that compliment you!
I've thought all year long what a fabulous idea this is. I told her just a couple of weeks ago that I was intending to do a similar theme for 2012.
I've been dreading it ever since... stressed about writing every day, finding the time, what if I don't have anything to write about, etc.
Then, today. Just 5 days past the offical start of the New Year, it dawned on me that I was putting way too much pressure on myself!! So here goes...
I am going to write a new blog post for each day from today, for 365 days. I'm not quite sure how "themed" they will be, but I can tell you that it will end on a positive note. Every time. Whether it be a blessing I received, something I'm thankful for, something funny that happened that day, it will be positive! Some posts will be longer than others, some super short, and some might come 2 or 3 in a day (just in case I get sick or go on vacation, you know). Today's is just below:
There are all different kinds of time.
Time outs, quiet time, drive time, bed time, dinner time, down time, snuggle time, GO time... you get it!
No matter the type of time, it's all good! The good times, the bad times, they are all memories. And memories are learning experiences. I'm only 30 years old, and I hopefully have a lot of time left to live, but I cherish every memory that I can recall. They've shaped me into the person I am today.
Today, I had a lot of free time. I've spent the beginning of the week cleaning the house after the New Year, and today was just a lazy day! I had a lot of time to think about some big decisions coming up in my life. I think I made some good choices...
So, for day 1, I'm thankful for time. Any kind of time. I try not to take it for granted. Sometimes, we wish it would go faster. Others, we wish it would stand still. Nonetheless, time is a gift. We need to cherish what and who we have with the time we have left.
I know I'm going to.
This year I am going to try something that I've never done before. I have a friend, Meg Daniel, who runs a blog out of Colorado. Last year, she vowed to write a new blog post every day for a year. She would write each day about something, or someone she is thankful for, or an event that happened on that day that touched her. I have been reading them faithfully... and you should too because they're touching, funny, honest and refreshing. Here's a link to her blog - Adventures Out West. She has more than 34,000 hits on her blog, and this September, she was published in an online community called Glass Heel. Glass Heel is an online community for professional women of all ages - it's a place to go to develop professionally, find networks of people to help you expand, as well as finding a great support system with other women that compliment you!
I've thought all year long what a fabulous idea this is. I told her just a couple of weeks ago that I was intending to do a similar theme for 2012.
I've been dreading it ever since... stressed about writing every day, finding the time, what if I don't have anything to write about, etc.
Then, today. Just 5 days past the offical start of the New Year, it dawned on me that I was putting way too much pressure on myself!! So here goes...
I am going to write a new blog post for each day from today, for 365 days. I'm not quite sure how "themed" they will be, but I can tell you that it will end on a positive note. Every time. Whether it be a blessing I received, something I'm thankful for, something funny that happened that day, it will be positive! Some posts will be longer than others, some super short, and some might come 2 or 3 in a day (just in case I get sick or go on vacation, you know). Today's is just below:
There are all different kinds of time.
Time outs, quiet time, drive time, bed time, dinner time, down time, snuggle time, GO time... you get it!
No matter the type of time, it's all good! The good times, the bad times, they are all memories. And memories are learning experiences. I'm only 30 years old, and I hopefully have a lot of time left to live, but I cherish every memory that I can recall. They've shaped me into the person I am today.
Today, I had a lot of free time. I've spent the beginning of the week cleaning the house after the New Year, and today was just a lazy day! I had a lot of time to think about some big decisions coming up in my life. I think I made some good choices...
So, for day 1, I'm thankful for time. Any kind of time. I try not to take it for granted. Sometimes, we wish it would go faster. Others, we wish it would stand still. Nonetheless, time is a gift. We need to cherish what and who we have with the time we have left.
I know I'm going to.
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