Friday, March 23, 2012
I don't see my husband much during the week. Between work and the kids, time just slips away.
We've grown used to our routines and they work. For us.
But on the weekends... now that's a completely different story.
I don't turn my computer on.
Therefore, I don't blog.
I could use my phone, but I don't like the Blogger app on my iPhone - it's formatted funny, and it doesn't allow me to type in landscape. Who would want to type a whole blog post with their single index finger??
Not this girl.
I do, however, take notes of those 3 days on my phone. I jot down highlights and funny things or sayings, titles of posts, whatever and whenever they come to me. So when I do finally sit down at my computer, it's all right there and I just need to put it together and post it.
Anyway, weekends are busy sometimes, but mostly they are uninterrupted time with my husband and kids.
If I'm not with the girls, he is, and I'm relaxing or taking time away for just me.
I'm not blogging.
Honestly, unless something super happens during the weekend, I may just possibly make it this whole year without blogging on a single weekend.
So, that in a nutshell is why I don't normally blog on the weekend. I hope that's okay and I appreciate your return on Mondays.
Today, I'm thankful for the 3 day break from blogging - it's not a chore for me at all. I enjoy it thoroughly. I just like to be focused 100%, with little to no distractions. I'd be cheating if I didn't do that.
But I also enjoy the break from thinking.
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