Monday February 13, 2012
Everywhere I go, as long as Hannah is in the car, I feel like I have my own personal driver's training instructor in the back seat.
Only, my instructor is cool and lets me listen to music while we drive!
She likes to sit behind the passenger side of the car so she can watch the speedometer, the gas guage and all of the dashboard lights.
She makes sure to tell me when we're at each 1/4 hashmark on the gas guage.
Everytime we pass a speed limit sign, she tells me what it is. She then announces how fast I'm going and whether or not I need to slow down.
She likes to guess how many miles it will be until we reach our destination.
Today, we were traveling in a 35 mph zone and we were approaching a curve that had one of those suggested "Curve Speed" signs just before it.
Hannah says, "Mommy, it's 25 while we take the curve, and then you can go 35 again. Make sure you don't go over 25 on the curve, or a policeman will send you to jail!"
I laughed right out loud!!!
So, I briefly explained that I would do as she asked, but even if a policeman did pull me over, that I wouldn't go to jail just for that.
How cool is it that I get my very own radar detector in the car everytime I go somewhere with Hannah?
I'm super thankful that my daughter is observant, and she knows the laws! ;)
I'm also super thankful for the chuckles I get everytime she corrects my driving.
I'm sure it won't always be cute.
hahaha. Last week the gas tank was on the red of nearly empty. The boys were SURE I would run out of gas on the way to school. After I dropped them off I got a half tank was one of those moments I wish they had a phone so I could send them a pic of a half full tank. They are still, every day, checking that gas gauge. :)