Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Much Needed Break (44/366)

Thursday February 16, 2012

With everything that's been going on with Ava lately, and having to go at it alone (for the most part), I am so ready for a break. 

My mom & step dad live an hour away from us.  It's only an hour... but it's an HOUR!

They both work full time, and we don't get to see each other too terribly often.

My girls LOVE their Gwi Gwi & Bumpa, and like to go up occasionally and spend a night or two on the weekend with them. 

They go to their church, and have their own friends up there.

And I get a much needed break.

Sometimes I catch up with friends.

Sometimes I catch up with my hubby.

Sometimes I sleep... the WHOLE weekend!

This weekend I feel it will be a sleeping break.

With the gloominess of winter hanging on tightly, I have been so tired and had a total lack of motivation.

So this will be just the break I need.

It will be nice for my girls to get out of these four walls as well.

I know how incredibly blessed I am to have parents that are willing and able to take the girls overnight at any time.  All of my girls' grandparents are that way.

It helps to balance things in my life - I believe every mom needs a break here & there.  I think it's healthy and necessary in order to reset our overloaded minds, and reconnect with ourselves, our friends and our spouses.  I probably get more than my share - and I realize just how lucky I am.

I am thankful for willing and eager parents.

I am even more thankful for uninterrupted rest and adult time.  It's just what I need.

Thank you Bumpa & Gwi Gwi!!

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