Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sweet Endings (56/366)

Tuesday February 28, 2012

Today was jam-packed to say the least.

Well, for me it was.

After we got Hannah on the bus, Ava and I headed off to dance class.

While Ava was dancing away, I decided to make some phone calls.  I realized that I had scheduled the girls' birthday party for the same day as dance pictures.

For those of you that have never experienced dance, it's a BIG DEAL, to put it mildly!

The hair, makeup, full costume, everything must be done (in my opinion) for the pictures, rehearsal and recital.  I eat this stuff up!

So, I called my husband to make sure he could take care of the house and party food while I got the girls gussied up for dance pics.  I then realized that my girlfriend (whose daughter is also in dance) will be in Florida for dance pictures.  So I called her and offered to get her daughter ready and take her to the pictures with us.

I then called my step-mom to enlist her help with getting everyone ready for the recital.  My husband has been planning a fishing trip for over 6 months, and it happens to be recital weekend, so he will miss recital this year.  Last year, of course, I did all of the getting ready, but I only had one daughter in dance. He was there to entertain the little one while Hannah and I decked ourselves out for the recital.

This year, I will be alone... with 2 dancers to get ready!  So a little help is definitely needed. I think we will just tag-team the girls and have them ready likety split!

See what I mean??

After dance, Ava and I headed to Costco.  I haven't been to Costco since October of last year.  Yes, that was on purpose.  We were reduced to a single income at that time and something had to go!  Unfortunately it was Costco.  It felt so good to get back and replenish everything!  And Ava was a trooper.  She didn't get her nap, and she was SUCH a big helper!

After Costco, Ava and I headed to Meijer.  First stop: bottle returns.  We return our bottles about 3 times each year.  Today's return? $47.00.  Ava ran her own machine. Cans only, and she gets the bags that come from inside the house - those get rinsed out.  If she saw a glass bottle, she wouldn't touch it, just holler at me to come and take it out of her bag!

After Meijer, we headed home.  We got home around 2:30 and made some turkey sandwiches and snuggled for a bit.  Then Ava wanted to head downstairs to watch Snow While until Sissy got home.

At 4:10, we piled in the car and went to our township hall.  I VOTED!  I'm not going to expand... politics are such a touchy subject.  But, I do believe we should exercise our right to vote.  I brought the girls in with me.  I think it took a total of 2 minutes from start to finish, but nonetheless, I took the opportunity to teach the girls that they should get educated about politics and that they should always vote!

We got home and had dinner. I got a call from my husband to get online to Sportsman's Guide and check out a crossbow that's on sale right now. We ordered it together while on the phone, along with a few accessories, and I can't wait to get it!


Yes, I am a hunter... of sorts.  A hunter with small kids at home to take care of.  The wife of a very, very avid hunter.  So, I took hunter's safety right after we got married in order to spend time with my husband in the fall months.  The only times I've hunted in those 10 years are 1. during gun season (Nov. 15-30) and 2. when I wasn't pregnant.

So... not much!

But NOW - I get to hunt the whole month of October too! I am so excited!!  Before we hung up, my husband said to me, "Happy Birthday!"  Last year, I got a new 20 gauge shotgun... I'm seeing a pattern here!

I'm thankful for busy days with sweet endings.  I'm thankful to have made the effort and time to blend into my husband's world, and I truly enjoy it!

And this fall, I'll be thankful for the deer I can shoot down... without freezing my butt off in November packed in with all of the other gun hunters, shooting at the same deer.  HA!

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