Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-Day Joy (42/366)

Tuesday February 14, 2012

So... today is Valentine's Day.

I love seeing the special things everyone gets from their loved ones and all of the fun things they do with their kids for school.

But... I'm not really into Valentine's Day.

Matt and I have always celebrated Sweetest Day instead for some reason.  This is strange because our first date (blind date) was February 17, 2000 - right around the corner from V-Day.  You'd think we'd love this holiday.

He has never bought flowers for me.

He has never bought jewelry for me.

And I've asked him not to.

I'm not a sentimental person.

Flowers die.

Jewelry goes out of style... and it costs a lot of money!

But that's just me!

Matt wished me a Happy Valentine's Day this morning by way of a Words With Friends message.

That was all I needed.

Last night, I spent an hour finishing up Hannah's Valentine's goody bags.  Today, I spent the day with Ava, who was a gem. 

We stopped by my brother's house after dance class today to pick up some Valentine's gifts that my mom left there for the girls.  She's big on holidays.  She always gets something for her grandkids... (Next year she'll have 6!)

Last week, when I was shopping at the Macy's One Day sale, I found some beautiful new quilts and sheets on CLEARANCE that would look awesome in the girls' bedroom. 

One of their favorite things in the whole world is having new sheets on their beds.  They ask me every other day if they can change their sheets.

Of course, changing sheets means more laundry to me... so I try to hold them off for a couple weeks.

But tonight, what was meant to be a birthday present for them turned into a very sweet Valentine's Day memory.

While Hannah was in the shower, and Ava was busy on the iPod, I snuck into their bedroom and pulled off the old sheets.  I had washed the new ones and they were ready to put on.

I made their beds so pretty, and comfy.

When they saw their beds, they were ecstatic! 

I got hugs and kisses and "Thank you Mommy, you're the BEST!"

In this house, a freshly made bed is the perfect way to say "I Love You".

It always has been.

So, on Friday, before Matt is able to jump in for the night, I will put the new quilt on our bed that I bought last week too.

My girls went to bed tonight, and I never saw them again.  What normally happens on a nightly basis is one million reason to get up, or NOT go to sleep.

I guess the new sheets and quilts are a hit.

Today, I am thankful for special family memories that go beyond the norm.

I'm thankful for freshly made beds, and I can't wait until Friday night.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!  

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